Friday, June 29, 2018

Social Media and Online Communities

Web 2.0 is sooo interactive-- in a good way but there sure are a whole lot of apps, accounts, notifications, posts, followers, likes, tweets, etc. I could keep listing for a while yet but rather than continuing on about social media terms galore, I can update on some areas that were new exploring territory for me this week.

1.) Blogs: Well obviously with this blog just starting up, blogging is a new endeavor of mine haha! It will be an interesting ride as part of the EME 6414 course. I certainly am interested to see how other people, organizations, and even professional or celebrity figures may be keeping some active blogs. Even the layout and overall design of blog pages is something I would like to investigate a bit more.

I think during these next weeks remaining in the summer session I will likely make some decisions about how I might plan to continue (or not) with using blog resources as well as the following item I am reflecting on here...

2.) Twitter: Hmm, Twitter is something I did not really see myself ever personally using. Now that I started up an account for at least adding in some class tweets however, I am trying to keep an open mind kind of approach. I actually think my mom has a Twitter account and probably knows a fair amount more about the realm of tweeting than I do. Facebook and Instagram (because I do think snapping/editing photos, sharing fun videos to all those friends, and thinking up hashtags is pretty enjoyable) may still be my relatively familiar social media platforms. I guess we will just see how learning about and using some new tools goes for this summer and then take it all from there!


  1. Hi Ally, I know Twitter can seem a little bit of a different platform, especially if you are a heavy Instagram user, but it does offer fantastic connections to highly accomplished educators. I would post a link here to a list of great education follows on Twitter but Blogger's text editor doesn't let me add a link as a commenter. Google it and you will be inundated with access to even more great thinking about teaching and learning!


Course Debrief

Phew, this is my final blog post for the summer session with Web 2.0 EME 6414! It really has been a productive and interactive past six week...