Sunday, July 8, 2018

Communities, Networks, and Tools all online: Part 1

Another online tool I started up for professional community and network building this week is LinkedIn. I had been planning to make an account since starting graduate school so the tool introduction and mentions that have appeared so far during this course were quite a good push! Just like with Twitter, I plan to continue developing my profile page information and investigating other pages and members to connect with and follow.

I think Nuzzle, Slide Share, and Reddit are the only tools being discussed so far that I have yet to dig deeper into since starting my EME 6414 coursework. Nuzzle sounds like a clever catch all to collect and see more of the content your contacts/friends online are currently viewing. Slide Share also sounds like a useful program for sharing presentation content like slides and other media. I appreciate from an educator's perspective the available ways to search by the topic of presentations for shared materials. Creating all your own items completely from scratch every single time you write a lesson or prepare an activity for a group of learners, regardless of age/grade level really can become tedious! Reddit discussion forums and subreddits in online feeds are something I may yet observe. However, I agree with a classmate from the Voicethread saying these networks can be a little intimidating as it seems like a bunch information is buzzing around quickly in this area online.

It is pretty interesting how the more online tools that I have learned to use now (whether they are social media, professionally based, or education oriented) there are some relatively common features noticed among them. Even the webpage layouts and ways to link and post certain media may be similar now across programs and platforms found online. The reaching out and intersections of so many available online spheres was an additional point we considered and shared about during class this week. This point is what I will continue with in my next blog post...

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Course Debrief

Phew, this is my final blog post for the summer session with Web 2.0 EME 6414! It really has been a productive and interactive past six week...