Sunday, July 22, 2018

Social Media and Instructional Design

"Social Media and Instructional Design" is currently part of the weekly readings list. It also happens to be an excerpt from one of the chapters of the Trends and Issues in Instructional Design textbook for a course I just took this past spring. The reading is authored by my Web 2.0 professor and edited by Reiser and Dempsey. Being familiar with this section already, I remebered some of the good quotes it had about this emerging field. "These networks have for many become an indispensible part of everyday life, guiding activities both at work and at home and connecting individuals with other people and information on an as-needed basis."

The passage continues to explain how higher education is working to incoporate social media inside and out of learning environments: "For example, it has been used to support marketing and recruitment, student outreach, and extracurricular activities. In the learning context, social media use may be institutionally prompted or encouraged, or initiated by the individual instructor or instructional designer." There is a typically a push for social media usage to integrate currently used technology and participate in instructional trends in hope to keep students motivated.

Another valuable part included in this reading passage is the table of popular social media tools with educational purposes. This table provided a lot of helpful information while I was also making a group presentation about Online Learning Trends in another course I took this past spring. It lays out some specific instances with details about a variety of social media tools being used in education.

There are certainly further examples than just the tools listed here... some of these main highligthed social media tools in education include: Facebook (student organization or course groups,) YouTube (video tutorials,) MOOCs (massive online open courses,) LinkedIn (professional networking,) Blogs (professional topics and discussion,) and Twitter (organizational news/updates and communication.)

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Course Debrief

Phew, this is my final blog post for the summer session with Web 2.0 EME 6414! It really has been a productive and interactive past six week...