Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Week 4 Tools: Part 1

Three weeks remaining with Web 2.0 in EME 6414! Part of this week includes trying out some more social media-based tools. This blog post is about working over time with the Google Maps program. Google Maps is a tool I had been previously familiar with but then upon getting an iPhone, I switched over to using their Maps app. However, it was worth going back into Google's navigational platform to become reaqquainted with the updated program.

Initially, I was used to typing in a starting location then ending location on Google Maps, almost like a basic webpage set up on Mapquest. The results would show the route with each travel step listed to take and a corresponding map image. It was relatively useful only with information printed out until their app was available and became capable of real time naviagtion. I think more recently using Google Maps was helpful because of the features that will keep updating as data is being received and changing in time. Among those features are the nearby speed limit, accidents within the area, road construction, detours, traffic, etc.

A couple of features that I futrther noticed have been useful on Google Maps were estimated travel times (they stay up to date with your traveling route's traffic pace) and switching modes of transportation. There are at least a handful of modes to choose from whether or not you are driving. Walking is a handy option when I have been in larger downtown areas for exploring sites. Alternative routes that are offered if there is too heavy traffic congestion on a main roads also can definitely help out for taking a trip or commute as needed.

Finding locations locally in relation to other points that I am already familiar (or I know I can get pretty close to from watching my location move in real time on their map's view) is one other feature that has helped me more than once! A last feature I was glad to see added into Google Maps was options and popular locations near the current area it can find such as: gas stations, hotels, shopping, and travel sights or attractions.

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Course Debrief

Phew, this is my final blog post for the summer session with Web 2.0 EME 6414! It really has been a productive and interactive past six week...