Sunday, July 22, 2018

Social media case study with Twitter

Although I only have this preview version, here is an interesting Twitter case study that I thought to share here. I am also planning to add it onto our EME 6414 Diigo course group page. In this 2013 journal article, Lin, Hoffman, and Borengasser, described how higher education students consider using Twitter as a classroom tool. The researchers held a qualitative case study to examine the results of three class settings.

The authors describe how students shared their self usage and interest using Twitter as well as how they prefer to participate in this social media platform. Another point made is that Twitter is traditionally considered to be a social tool and will need to be integrated correctly within courses for educational settings. Some areas for further progress to made while using Twitter might include orivacy, modeling, and specific course designs.

Right underneath the article's preview are actually a number of interesting references listed. Many of these links also identify studies that were done using Twitter. However, a number of them relate to how faculty members may be using Twitter in addition. Social media certainly is a wide reaching, popular, and commonly available tool now. I think the recent opportunities that are forming to better use so many platforms during formal and informal learning situations are pretty cool! Hopefully many students and educators can both benefit from adapting to implement better instructional strategies with Web 2.0.


  1. Twitter is used in such divergent ways, I feel like we've only begun to scratch the surface of what can be done.

    1. I certainly agree, especially since I still consider myself a Twitter newbie!

  2. Thanks for sharing another great article. I always feel like I'm struggling to think of how to use Twitter for educational purposes, so I appreciate being connected to resources that share how others have done it.


Course Debrief

Phew, this is my final blog post for the summer session with Web 2.0 EME 6414! It really has been a productive and interactive past six week...